Latest articles from Michał Kaczmarski

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Serbia's new president on pro-business path

Recently elected Serbian president Tomislav Nikolic has pledged to remain dedicated to the country's attempt to enter the EU.

From News

Corruption still at large in Latin America, according to survey

Nearly three-quarters of respondents to a survey by  international law firms Miller & Chevalier and Matteson Ellis say  that anti-corruption laws in Latin America are insufficient.

German companies use historical ties to extend CIS footprint

German companies use historical ties to extend CIS footprint

The former Soviet republics that now make up the Commonwealth of Independent States have long been a fertile ground for German investors. This association is continuing to pay dividends, with German companies reaping the benefits of doing business in countries in which others in the West are more cautious about entering.

Peru's minister of economy and finance, Luis Miguel Castilla

Peru pursues corporate and social inclusion balance

Michal Kaczmarski talks to Peru's finance minister, Luis Miguel Castilla, about the government's plans to pursue social inclusion, free trade agreements and the importance of maintaining an open market. 

Romanian protests

Romania remains wary amid slow growth

Political turmoil in Romania brought about by austerity measures imposed as part of an IMF-backed aid package belie the fact that the country's economy is growing. However, there is a fear that the pervading pessimism in the country will put off would-be investors and stymie its recovery.

Armando Guebuza, Mozambique's president

Mozambique's president pledges to spread LNG riches

Recent discoveries of natural gas deposits off the coast of Mozambique have excited many notable names in the energy industry. However, as its president tells fDi, any company wishing to invest in the country will have to ensure that the benefits of any incoming wealth are felt at all levels of society.

Tarso Genro, governor of Rio Grande do Sul

Rio Grande do Sul's World Cup goal

The Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul will be one of the host regions of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, and the state's governor is intending to use the event to show would-be investors that the region is the easiest in the country in which to do business.

Jamaica's investment promotion agency, Jampro

Caribbean IPAs go extra mile to fight preconceptions

Dogged by preconceptions of the region being a little more than a holiday retreat or a tax haven, investment promotion agencies in the Caribbean are focusing upon providing the best possible service to would-be investors – both large and small – in order to attract international businesses to their countries.

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Indian and Chinese companies lead BRIC investment charge

Companies from India and China were leading source FDI countries among BRICs in 2011.

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Mexico dominates intra-Latam FDI tables

Intra-Latin American FDI figures for 2011 show Mexico to be the region's dominant investor.

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

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Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

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