Latest articles from Michał Kaczmarski

Predrag Sekulic

Montenegrin tourism minister looks to build a reputation

Montenegro's minister of sustainable development and tourism, Predrag Sekulic, explains how his country's reputation as a high-quality holiday destination is slowly growing, but further investment in construction and infrastructure is needed if it is to continue on an upward trajectory.

Birmingham SWFs
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Birmingham eyes SWFs funding for development projects

Birmingham has become the first city in the UK to target investment from sovereign wealth funds, as it announces plans to seek alternative funding for nine of its Big City Plan redevelopment projects.

Eindhovens innovation and success

Collaboration proves key to Eindhoven's innovation and success

By encouraging an interdisciplinary approach to production and a co-operative approach to research and development, Eindhoven in the Netherlands has transformed itself from a city reliant on the economic output of two companies to the home of a campus designed to inspire collaboration and innovation between the hundreds of companies based there.

US turning to emerging economies in foreign investment push

US turning to emerging economies in foreign investment push

As the US economy continues to splutter along, representatives from its states and counties are looking beyond national boundaries for would-be investors, with emerging markets proving to be an increasingly popular port of call.

The blot on the Latam landscape teaser

Protests put blot on Latin America's investment landscape

Latin America's stellar reputation with investors has been dented of late by a series of protests in the region regarding mining and infrastructure projects, with fears being voiced that a number of the demonstrations are more about political opportunism than they are about the impact of these projects on local communities.

View from the C Suite Arisons good intentions

View from the C-Suite: Arison's good intentions

Israel’s Arison Investments’ promotional slogan is ‘doing good business by doing good’. Its chairman and CEO, Efrat Peled, tells Michal Kaczmarski how this slogan is put into action in its projects in the developing world.

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Mexico looks beyond US exports for investment boost

Mexico is preparing for a boost in investment by supporting intra-border trade and looking for new trade partnerships outside of the US.

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Unctad reports 17% global FDI inflows increase

Despite turmoil in the global economy, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development's Global Investment Trends monitor reported a value increase for FDI inflows in 2011, to $1510bn.

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India considers opening up to global retail giants

India's commerce minister has stated that the country is investigating the possibility of allowing global multi-brand retail outlets to do business in the county.

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Czech Republic sees property boom

Czech Republic dominates central and eastern Europe rankings for property deals.

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

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Research report

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