Latest articles from Michał Kaczmarski

From Locations

Chasing MICE: Polish cities seek to expand events sector

Cities in Poland are waking up to the significant revenues available from the MICE (meetings, incentives, conventions and exhibitions) industry. Poznań and Warsaw have already established themselves in this sector and other cities are working hard to catch up, although hindered by a shortage of convention centres and hotel rooms. 

From Locations

Polish farming shows organic growth

The Polish agricultural sector is undergoing rapid transformation as its organic farming segment responds to growing consumer demand and benefits from government support. 

From Sectors

Energy explosion

As data centres use more and more poer, energy-efficient alternatives are becoming an imperative. Michal Kaczmarski reports on the locations that are heating up in this new sector

growth written in the stars
From Sectors

Growth written in the stars for space and defence industry

The global recession had little effect upon the space and defence industry, with the UK recording particularly impressive figures. 

Global greenfield investment trends

Crossborder investment monitor

fDi Markets is the only online database tracking crossborder greenfield investment covering all sectors and countries worldwide. It provides real-time monitoring of investment projects, capital investment and job creation with powerful tools to track and profile companies investing overseas.

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Corporate location benchmarking tool

fDi Benchmark is the only online tool to benchmark the competitiveness of countries and cities in over 50 sectors. Its comprehensive location data series covers the main cost and quality competitiveness indicators for over 300 locations around the world.

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Research report

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